A Glowing Testimonial From Tamara

Tamara is one of our superstar students that has come through our doors and just absolutely blown things out of the park! We asked her to come chat with us for this feature because her while her journey has been one of success and we’re extremely proud of her, she’s also an inspiration. Her drive and commitment as well as her ability to remain on task, juggle her studies and her family life have proven to be practically a superpower. But enough from us, let’s hear how she says it!

FYI: Thank you for participating in this student feature Tamara. Could you tell us a little about yourself?

Hi Everyone, I’m Tamara. I am 32 years old, I’ve worked in disability for the last 10 years, which I love. I have 2 children 2 and 3years old which keep me busy. I’ve been studying 2 courses at FYI this year, lifestyle and childcare and I have really enjoyed both! I’ve also been working 2 jobs so it seems like 2 is my number this year for everything.

FYI: Why did you choose to study at FYI? And what were the best parts about your studying here?

I chose to study with FYI because the times and days worked so well together with doing 2 courses at once and was worried about pricing, which was actually really doable with FYI. The best part about studying at FYI was the community feeling, everyone was so supportive!

FYI: What advice would you give other students about to embark on the same study journey as you?

Plan yourself well, time management is key!


Do it! I spent so long umming and arring that I missed one of the earlier intakes. The trainers are fantastic and in a central location (which was super handy for me being from rural vic)

FYI: Tell us a bit about your placement.

So I did 2 lots of placements obviously with doing 2 courses, mixed with needing to still work for an income for life in general it began as pretty difficult to juggle, I didn’t know how I was going to pull it off. After a few weeks at my child care placement I got offered a job which couldn’t have come at a better time so I could use those hours for placement but still be getting an income. My Lifestyle placement had to be on hold so I could fit it in at the end of my courses but by doing it mainly in one big block seems like a win, it helps with remembering the routines and residents in my opinion.

FYI: What valuable skills have you gained in your journey at FYI?

Apart from the new qualifications I’ve also learnt time management. Such an important skill to have when studying anything but while I have done 2 courses I have needed to be on top of it constantly and I feel like by the end I have nailed it. I have so much more self confidence when at first I started with a fair bit of doubt that id be able to manage the workload.  

FYI: Have you had a change in outlook since you started studying this course? How so?

A little bit, I know where I want to go career wise, but I’ve also sparked a bit of an interest within myself about training/ teaching others. 

FYI: What is your next step?

While ill still be working in child care I have a couple more courses I would love to undertake before I hang up my study boots for a while. I am hoping to do my Diploma for child care and look into studying my Cert 4 in training and assessment

FYI: Lastly do you have a favourite quote?

“Fear kills more dreams then failure ever will”

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better!”

There you have it folks. Two courses, work and a family with young children! And she still rocked it and got a job offer out of it! And she’s still looking to go further with her studies! This lovely lady is just collecting medals as she goes along and isn’t stopping her marathon for anyone or any hurdle that steps in her path.

We’ll update this blog post with photos as soon as we’re able to. Until then, congratulations Tamara and thank you for the kind words. We wish you all the best in your journey going forward.

Signing off,

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