Frequently asked questions
What is an RTO?
RTO stands for Registered Training Organisation. An RTO is an organisation, registered in accordance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015. An RTO provides specific vocational education and training and/or assessment services. RTOs may include a range of services including TAFE institutes, private providers, community providers, schools, higher education institutions, industry organisations and enterprises.
What is VET?
VET stands for Vocational Education and Training. It is designed to prepare course participants with the skills and knowledge required for specific industries and employment outcomes. This education model focuses on developing employability skills for a specific industry or trade. VET qualifications supports a transition to employment, vocational and higher education pathways.
What does Accredited Training mean?
Accredited training is nationally recognised training that meets national quality assurance requirements or per-determined industry standards. Nationally recognised training is formally recognised by an overseeing government body.
Future Students
You can just go to our Enrol Now page or call us on 1300 884 133 and we’ll help you from there.
Our certificate and diploma courses are government funded for Australian citizens and permanent residents. Each course has a materials charge that is payable at enrolment. Please see each course’s brochure or call our head office on 1300 884 133 for information on specific course fees.
FYI Training does offer payment plans for course fees and charges for students experiencing financial hardship. Please contact our office for further information.
FYI Courses are considered Priority courses under the Skills First program. In order to be eligible you need to be:
An Australian citizen or permanent resident or
A New Zealand citizen
You must be:
Physically present in Victoria while participating in training and assessment.
You are also limited to studying two Skills First courses in one year and two Skills First courses at one time.
For more information check out the Victorian Skills Authority Gateway
Yes! You are still eligible under the new guidelines as long as you meet the above criteria.
All of our courses have an placement component. While previously in high school or at other educational institutions you may have had to look for your own placement, at FYI Training we will find placement for you. We have a placement coordinator who will allocate you to a workplace relevant to your course.
You will not be able to commence your work placement unless you have the necessary documentation, such as your working with children check or police check. If you cannot commence your placement during the period specified in your program, we can work with you to organise this at a time that you can attend.
Documentation needs to be returned to our office, prior to your commencement of placement.
Credit transfer is defined in the AQF as follows:
Credit transfer is a process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications.
This is underpinned by the AQF definition of credit as follows:
Credit is the value assigned for the recognition of equivalence in content and learning outcomes between different types of learning and/or qualifications. Credit reduces the amount of learning required to achieve a qualification and may be through credit transfer, articulation, recognition of prior learning or advanced standing. For further information please go to the AQF website. -
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) involves a formal recognition of the skills and knowledge your staff members have already achieved through previous studies, work and life experiences.
FYI Training will formally assess a students existing skills and knowledge so that they can count towards their qualification and shorten the period of training. RPL takes into account:
work-related training courses
on-the-job skills and work experience
volunteer and community work
a combination of all of the above
There is NO fee for FYI Training to assess an applicants initial application for RPL. However FYI Training does charge the nominal contact hour for each unit of competency being formally assessed. For further information please contact our office.
Yes of-course you can. We are open during school holidays and only close for 2 weeks over Christmas.
Book a meeting with a staff member (1 hour meeting) by calling or emailing: info@fyitraining.com.au 1300 884 133
Attend your confirmed appointment time and receive all the information your need
Enrolment will be processed and you will start studying soon
Your appointment will take about one hour. Once this is completed your enrolment could be processed within days and once you have your resources you can start studying!
Yes, we encourage students to enrol in person when possible. We do have an online enrolment process for those who may live in Victoria but are not close to our office.
Current Students
Join our Student Facebook Group to keep in touch with classmates and for important info
It is a requirement of all students who enrol in one of FYI Training's programs, that they must notify our office as soon as possible if they are not going to be attending scheduled program days. There is a set procedure students must comply with when it comes to students not being able to attend placement, that you will be informed about on the first day of your course.
Course assessments are essential in establishing a learner’s competency within their chosen qualification. FYI Training understands at times some a learner may need assistance in meeting assessment deadlines. A learner must apply for a formal assessment extension prior to the assessment due date. This process will be outlined within your nominated training program.
Stage 1:
For non-academic complaints, initially complaints and grievances should be discussed with the person/s involved. If this is impracticable or unsatisfactory, students should communicate with the Trainer/Assessor
For academic complaints, the complaint should be initially discussed with the Trainer/Assessor.
The complaint will be documented and a resolution will be sought within 14 days of receipt of the complaint.
Stage 2:
If dissatisfied with the response to the complaint or the time taken to resolve the matter under stage 1, the complainant may submit the complaint in writing to the Training Manager.
For non-academic complaints, the Training Manager will deal with the complaint within a reasonable time, normally within 10 days of receipt of the complaint
For academic complaint relating to assessment outcome, the Training Manager will arrange for a second assessment by another assessor within a reasonable time, normally within 15 days of receipt of the complaint
Stage 3:
If not satisfied with the decision of the Training Manager in stage 2, the complainant may request that the matter be escalated to FYI Training’s CEO for further impartial review.
The CEO will seek a resolution within a reasonable time, normally within 15 days of receipt of the complaint
If dissatisfied with this response, the complaint will be forwarded on to an external party and a resolution will be sought by the body appointed by FYI for that purpose.
The details of this external body and contact person are as follows: Dispute Settlement of Victoria
This final stage will be addressed within 30 days.
If the independent mediator makes recommendations in relation to a complaint they have reviewed, the Training Manager or delegate will ensure that the recommendations are implemented within 21 days.
FYI training is committed to your privacy and maintaining confidentiality. We comply with the Privacy Act 1988 including the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) as outlined in the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012.
For more information you can view our Privacy Policies and Procedures here.