Student Feature, meet Louise M.
Meet our student of the month: Louise.
Louise started with us studying her Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care and has now gone on to study her Diploma in Early Childhood Education & Care.
We have chosen Louise as our student feature because of her resilience and acceleration as a committed student.
Let’s learn more about Louise:
Louise is a new mum and formerly worked in a primary school who is passionate about child development.
What made you start studying?
“I knew I wanted to work with kids in some way. Then once I developed this passion of the development of children, I thought I would really like to work in childcare. I then thought oh I can do my certificate III and see how I go. I decided to do the online learning because I was working full time and had long travel times for work.”
The best parts about studying at FYI:
“I LOVE that everyone is family and welcomed. The support given by all staff. The different study options so everyone can study. When I was working full time, on site study wasn't an option for me but doing it online I was still able to do my desired course and not miss out on an opportunity. Being made to feel like you're achieving rather than just a number in a school.”
What advice do you have for other students?
“When you are thinking ‘should I or shouldn’t I?’ - you always should. Set yourself a goal, follow your dreams and see where it takes you.”
“Just give it a go, you never know where it may lead you. FYI is a great training centre that has wonderful staff who will guide and support you through the whole duration of your study to get the most out of your course as possible.”
Louise’s Career Goals:
“One day I would like to complete my Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care so I can become a Kinder teacher. I hope to provide my own unique service/program one day but I still need to work on that and come up with some ideas.”
What are you passionate about:
“Passionate about her family, developing children, family and friends, helping others and making people happy.”
Tell us about studying online:
“With all the feedback when I have been submitting assignments, it feels like I’ve done a really good job all the time. If my trainer wasn’t like her and didn’t give that constant feedback and was just focused on ticking boxes, you don’t feel like you’re doing the right thing- and that you have made the right decision without the feedback and comments.”
Why Louise loves online learning:
”I’m a bit of a home body and I like to research more in depth about what I am leaning. Instead of just answering I want to know why, who, what, when, where and delve deep into why. So I thought the online learning would benefit me more. And with lockdowns and that has been really good. I know that I am capable of doing it by myself. I knew that Amanda was there as a trainer if I needed help I can email her. I find that I get a lot more out of it by myself. You can’t just look over and try get someone else to help you. I am working at my own pace because you can do it at your own pace.”
Louise’s favourite quote:
"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway" - Earl Nightingale
What Louise believes about making the most of your time:
“I think back to ‘what was I doing’ before studying and I can’t account for three hours of my night. I want to utilise my time and achieve something with that time. Take 2 hours of your night and you can study and still go to sleep at reasonable hour. Just make something of your time.”
Louise as a student from her Trainer:
“Louise has excelled through her online learning. She has since day 1 been able to manage her time effectively, has been committed and motivated to complete her course and has asked for help whenever she needed it. It was so nice to see Louise out on placement and to truly see her passion for the early childhood industry in practice. She was very dedicated and passionate and I believe that is what helped her through the course despite any external barriers. Very proud of her.” – Amanda, Trainer
Why we chose Louise:
Her resilience and acceleration as an online student in not only one course with FYI but now onto her second with a promising career pathway.
What has Louise studied:
The Certificate III Early Childhood Education & Care, Graduated (Online Mode)
Diploma of Early Childhood Education & Care, Currently Undertaking (Online Mode)
Hi from Louise and Ayden.