FYI Training Blog

Study, Work, Live

Are you getting enough ‘play’ in your life? Why playtime is important for children & adults

Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them. Play allows children to create and explore a world they can master, conquering their fears while practicing adult roles, sometimes in conjunction with other children or adult caregivers. As they master their world, play helps children develop new competencies that lead to enhanced confidence and the resiliency they will need to face future challenges. Resource, Pediatrcicsaaapplications.

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Career Advice, Student Advice FYI Marketing Career Advice, Student Advice FYI Marketing

Thinking of studying? Hear advice from our students & trainers

“My advice to other students if you’re passionate it just do it may seem like it’s a lot of work but getting the practice in writing your observation in your assessments and learning from the trainers that have experience in the industry just soak it all in and get as much as you can out of that they’re there to help you. I did just want to add. With me having dyslexia gives a lot of anxiety when it comes to study school kind of environments….

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General Updates, Career Planning FYI Marketing General Updates, Career Planning FYI Marketing

Learn more about our Values at FYI Education & Training

FYI Education & Training has been operating since 2007. For 14 years most of our growth has been from student referrals. It makes us proud to see our students success and to be one of the long standing Registered Training Organisation’s (RTO) in Victoria.

We are ever evolving especially in the current world and climate. Earlier this year we established an updated mission statement, vision and values as a RTO.

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The Top 5 Skills Needed for Career Success in Early Childhood Education & Care

Future Skills Needs SkillsIQ’s 2020 Survey in addition to consultation with sector stakeholders, has revealed that the top five short-to-medium term skills considered extremely important across the Children’s Education and Care sector include:

• Communication

• Teamwork

• Capacity to learn

• Resilience or stress tolerance

• Emotional intelligence

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Student Feature FYI Marketing Student Feature FYI Marketing

Student Feature, meet Louise M.

“I LOVE that everyone is family and welcomed. The support given by all staff. The different study options so everyone can study. I know being a mum but even when I was working full time, on site study wasn't an option for me but doing it online I was still able to do my desired course and not miss out on an opportunity. Being made to feel like you're achieving rather than just a number in a school.”

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Student Advice, Online FYI Marketing Student Advice, Online FYI Marketing

Online Learning at FYI & what you need to know…

We believe a busy life shouldn’t get in the way of your studies and if you are committed to learning, online learning can be a great way to get your qualifications. Students have options to learn via a classroom model at FYI Education & Training, or via online learning which is a new popular mode of study. We know how important flexibility is and understand life is more than studying, so making your studies work for you is important.

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4 reasons to pursue a Career in Aged Care

The aged care and disability support services sector in Australia is one of the fastest growing industries with enormous growth expected over the coming years. Like many others considering a career in the industry, it is a good time to get started. But like any change, it’s good to be sure its’s the right career for you, here are a few reasons we believe a fulfilling career is ahead.

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