FYI Training Blog
Study, Work, Live
New Year New Goals: How to set goals for 2022
If you can dream it – you can do it.
With the new year approaching it’s a good time to reflect and set some goals for 2022.
Top Goal Setting Tips:
Plan out goals “SMART GOALS”
What are the five SMART goals?
The SMART acronym outlines a strategy for reaching any objective. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and anchored within a Time Frame.
Gratitude, Purpose, Persistence and Seizing the Day, lessons from our inspiring talk with Dr Dinesh
One of my fiends said to me, “Life is not a reversal, the show it on right now” it is happening in-front of us - right now.”
“Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can’t do or how you should live your life because at the end of the day there not going to be there. It’s easy for the spectator but hard for the gladiator in the arena, that’s the true hero”
“Keep people around you that support you and believe in your dreams.”
“When you do make it, make sure that you support the people that want to follow your path. Celebrate the people that helped you. People are do damn important in our journeys. It’s because of the people around me that I’m here today.”
Learn more about our Partners & Community Opportunities at FYI Education & Training
Supporting the community
We are focused on supporting our community partners through fostering growth and success for all parties by providing the best training and student outcomes.
Guest Speaker: Dr Dinesh exclusive talk with the students at FYI Education & Training
When medical student Dinesh Palipana suffered a severe spinal injury in a car crash, he was told his dream of becoming a doctor was over. Now he's Queensland's first quadriplegic doctor, working at one of the state's busiest hospitals. Dr Palipana tells his story in his own words.
Looking for some study motivation? Study, Work & Live at FYI Education & Training
Staying motivated can be hard at times and finding ways to keep on track is what we are always here for. Reaching out to your trainer or student support when you hit roadblocks or are struggling is important. We are here to help and support you!
How to become a Childcare Worker
Early Child Care Jobs Grow as Industry Grows – Get Qualified & Start Your Career.
Thinking of working in Child Care but not sure where to start? We are outlining the basics below to guide students on where to start and what they need to know to build their career in the Early Childhood sector.
Are you getting enough ‘play’ in your life? Why playtime is important for children & adults
Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them. Play allows children to create and explore a world they can master, conquering their fears while practicing adult roles, sometimes in conjunction with other children or adult caregivers. As they master their world, play helps children develop new competencies that lead to enhanced confidence and the resiliency they will need to face future challenges. Resource, Pediatrcicsaaapplications.
Thinking of studying? Hear advice from our students & trainers
“My advice to other students if you’re passionate it just do it may seem like it’s a lot of work but getting the practice in writing your observation in your assessments and learning from the trainers that have experience in the industry just soak it all in and get as much as you can out of that they’re there to help you. I did just want to add. With me having dyslexia gives a lot of anxiety when it comes to study school kind of environments….
Feel more motivated with a walk, the impact straight from our students #virtualclass #selfcare
Our recent article on self-care 101 for students outlined some tips for self-care.
Checking in with our students is important and we love to see our trainers take initiative and check in with their students.
Student Survey Results, Above State Average with Strong Student Outcomes
The Department of Education and Training releases yearly results of Student Satisfaction Surveys completed by students who undertake higher education courses throughout Victoria. Student Satisfaction Survey In 2021, over 57,300 Victorian students across more than 290 Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) participated in the survey.
October Enrolments Open for Aged Care, Early Childhood Education & Care & more..
We have some exciting courses stating soon and some current courses open for enrolment.
Enrolments can be done easy and all online. Courses include Individual Support, Early Childhood Education & Care and more.
Are they really OK? Ask them today. Your conversation could change a life, R U OK?
It’s R U OK Day and we are proud to support the conversation around mental health. To all our students, trainers and anyone in our community, we hope you are doing well and we are here to support you.
Self-care 101 for Students
At its core, self-care is the practice of protecting your own well-being and happiness, particularly during times of stress. It’s about taking action to balance physical and emotional health by knowing your limits and not going over them.
Enrolments open, students are graduating and gaining employment
“My advice to other students if you’re passionate it just do it it may seem like it’s a lot of work but getting the practice in writing your observation in your assessments and learning from the trainers that have experience in the industry just soak it all in and get as much as you can out of that they’re there to help you.”
Tips on practicing Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.
The Top 5 Skills Needed for Career Success in Early Childhood Education & Care
Future Skills Needs SkillsIQ’s 2020 Survey in addition to consultation with sector stakeholders, has revealed that the top five short-to-medium term skills considered extremely important across the Children’s Education and Care sector include:
• Communication
• Teamwork
• Capacity to learn
• Resilience or stress tolerance
• Emotional intelligence
Discover more about a career in Leisure & Health
“Best part about working at FYI: The thing I enjoy working for FYI is that I am able to teach students a passion for working and supporting other people and knowing that I am sending out careers that want to be in these fields. I am encouraged and supported at all times from Ned and others with my passion for teaching others. I hope to be able to continue with this work as there is a great need for good and passionate workers in this industry.”
Disability Services Industry Update, Benefits and The Future
“FYI gives me the platform to not just encourage my students but to help them grow in other areas of their life as well. This training gives you the tools to go there and make a difference. Giving them the tools to be equiped to do the ‘job’ even though it’s more than a job, it’s a lifestyle.
Inspiration from the trainers at FYI
Psychology says: Go with the choice that scares you the most, because that is the one that’s going to help you grow.
Leadership, advice and more featuring Early Childhood Education & Care, Kool Kidz Owner & Approved Provider Nicole Llewellyn
The Kool Kidz family is made up of many real people from our local community, all working together to provide children with the best possible start in life. “Ask for help when you need it. You need to develop the foundation skills before you get into certain roles. You need the social skills as well as relationships with children, parents and other educators before advancing into management.” - Nicole, Kool Kidz.