FYI Training Blog

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Student Feature, Learning with us FYI Marketing Student Feature, Learning with us FYI Marketing

“The world needs more carers” Meet our student Gina & learn about her journey studying Individual Support

“If you want to make a difference in this world, become a carer. Do a Certificate III in Individual Support. The world needs careers, good carers. Not just going for the wrong reasons. This industry is different than others. You are dealing with people, the elderly and they are more frail & need sun in their life.”

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Flexible Study Options in 2022 for Early Childhood Education & Care Courses at FYI Education & Care

Looking to study Early Childhood Education & Care in 2022?

Discover the options and find study options that suit your lifestyle.

FYI Education & Training is committed to seeing students succeed with adaptive teaching models, guaranteed student placement and dedicated student support.

Our student’s satisfaction rate is 98% and our rate of employment is high due to expertise and passion of the trainers. 

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Student Feature, Meet Edyn, now working in Early Childhood Education & Care after completing her studies at FYI!

The best parts about studying at FYI: “I really liked my trainers Nan and Amanda. I had my face to face classes with Nan and you could literally ask her a question about anything and she would just know and answer straight away with a scenario ready because she has been through it.”

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Are you getting enough ‘play’ in your life? Why playtime is important for children & adults

Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them. Play allows children to create and explore a world they can master, conquering their fears while practicing adult roles, sometimes in conjunction with other children or adult caregivers. As they master their world, play helps children develop new competencies that lead to enhanced confidence and the resiliency they will need to face future challenges. Resource, Pediatrcicsaaapplications.

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Student Feature, Learning with us FYI Training Student Feature, Learning with us FYI Training

Thinking of studying the Certificate IV in Leisure & Health? Hear from recent graduate student Irena

Irena has recently graduated from her Certificate IV in Leisure & Health and has shown great passion and dedication throughout her studies.

“The first thing is the flexibility because of work it was good to study around my work days. Also my trainer Colleen was a lovely teacher and if something was hard to understand, she would always explain it to us. Everyone else in the office also including Ned & Maree were so lovely and whatever you ask for they will help you. Everything is so positive, I have nothing negative to say.”

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Student Survey Results, Above State Average with Strong Student Outcomes

The Department of Education and Training releases yearly results of Student Satisfaction Surveys completed by students who undertake higher education courses throughout Victoria. Student Satisfaction Survey In 2021, over 57,300 Victorian students across more than 290 Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) participated in the survey.

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The Top 5 Skills Needed for Career Success in Early Childhood Education & Care

Future Skills Needs SkillsIQ’s 2020 Survey in addition to consultation with sector stakeholders, has revealed that the top five short-to-medium term skills considered extremely important across the Children’s Education and Care sector include:

• Communication

• Teamwork

• Capacity to learn

• Resilience or stress tolerance

• Emotional intelligence

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