FYI Training Blog
Study, Work, Live
“The world needs more carers” Meet our student Gina & learn about her journey studying Individual Support
“If you want to make a difference in this world, become a carer. Do a Certificate III in Individual Support. The world needs careers, good carers. Not just going for the wrong reasons. This industry is different than others. You are dealing with people, the elderly and they are more frail & need sun in their life.”
Guest Speaker: Dr Dinesh exclusive talk with the students at FYI Education & Training
When medical student Dinesh Palipana suffered a severe spinal injury in a car crash, he was told his dream of becoming a doctor was over. Now he's Queensland's first quadriplegic doctor, working at one of the state's busiest hospitals. Dr Palipana tells his story in his own words.
Your guide to Practical Placement with FYI Education & Training
When does Practical Placement get organised?
Our Placement Coordinator will be in contact with you if you are enrolled in face to face learning within the first 6 weeks of your course. If you are studying online, it will be within the completion of your first 6 units. We will speak with you to organise facilities that best suit you.
Discover more about a career in Aged Care with a Certificate III in Individual Support
The Certificate III in Individual Support is a nationally recognised qualification for those that are seeking employment or wish to become qualified in the aged care; disability or home and community care industry.
We are hiring, join the FYI Education & Training team
We are currently seeking a qualified Individual Support / Aged Care Trainer to join our expanding team. See the job on Seek & apply.
New Course Date Released, Certificate III in Individual Support CHC33015, Commencing October 2021
The Certificate III in Individual Support is a nationally recognised qualification for those that are seeking employment or wish to become qualified in the aged care; disability or home and community care industry.
Start studying in July, courses are open for enrolments now…
Looking to start studying in July? See our open course dates below and start your new career in July 2021.
Trainer of the month, Meet Nan…
“Pathway - this is a starting point, for example if you want to be a teacher, it doesn’t stop here working as a n EC only, if you want to further or do something more rewarding and you can go from here, credits can be used. There are so many pathway options, even management.”
4 reasons to pursue a Career in Aged Care
The aged care and disability support services sector in Australia is one of the fastest growing industries with enormous growth expected over the coming years. Like many others considering a career in the industry, it is a good time to get started. But like any change, it’s good to be sure its’s the right career for you, here are a few reasons we believe a fulfilling career is ahead.